A configurable app for Windows 7, Vista and XP to download wallpapers from InterfaceLIFT.com or WallpaperStock.com and change them periodically.
Main features:
-It runs in background and can be controlled from System Tray.
-It can be configured to
1. start with Windows.
2. look for wallpapers in multiple folders including/excluding subfolders. Best results when used with matching resolution wallpapers.
3. change wallpaper once every preferred duration between 1 min and 500 hrs. It will understand "000 Hrs/Mins 000 Min" format. It can interpret M/Min/Mins/Minutes and H/Hr/Hrs/Hour as Minutes and Hours respectively.
4. confirm before changing wallpaper.
5. adjust image positioning for odd size wallpapers.
-You can also change wallpaper manually by clicking 'Juggle Now' menu or double clicking the icon.
-It allows only one instance at a time.
-It also displays the last updated wallpaper and the time stamp when the next change will occur.
-"Active" option to enable/disable wallpaper juggling while program is running.